Services & Prices


Outstanding service makes the difference

Commercial cleaning

  • office_desk_o47l2befqfbc
    - Office cleaning
    50 CHF
  • catering_b4d11d4efvgy
    - Catering cleaning
    50 CHF
  • health_ogae5mgrauyx
    - Practice cleaning
    50 CHF
  • school_m1cuwawtvjsn
    - School and kindergarten cleaning
    50 CHF
  • store_pcj84gb19855
    - Store cleaning
    50 CHF
  • bed_5o2buihlp4pq
    - Hotel cleaning
    50 CHF
  • weightlifter_yazdeqwo3ow8
    - Gym cleaning
    50 CHF

Private cleaning

  • buildings_ujtvw6fgil2u
    - Apartment cleaning
    From 40 CHF
    Basic cleaning, deep cleaning, floor cleaning, carpet cleaning
  • house_wm4rrkxs6wcq
    - Vacation homes
    From 40 CHF
  • swimming_pool_7ihvomsysldc
    - Pool cleaning
    From 40 CHF

Special cleaning

  • under_construction_rrfbz7pa17pc
    - Building cleaning
    60 CHF
  • clean_z01i6cgz4zdb
    - Facade cleaning
  • glass_cleaning_h6vmv49k4v6z
    - Glass cleaning
  • parking_96ed5xqpmzfd
    - Parking garage cleaning

Maintenance cleaning

  • stairs_9jzeyarmpnrv
    - Stairwell cleaning
  • apartment_ru35sg7yhq38
    - Building cleaning

Further services

  • cleaning_msa8pq7xkikg
    - Oven cleaning
    100 CHF
  • hood_s1g7khfvillp
    Extractor hood cleaning
    100 CHF
  • kitchen_fz953gi3pkxz
    - Cleaning the kitchen cupboards
    From 40 CHF
  • dish_washing_8c42ya139fpu
    - Dishwashing
    From 40 CHF
  • refrigerador
    - Refrigerator cleaning
    From 40 CHF
  • microwave_wa5h52v4mjzm
    - Microwave cleaning
    From 40 CHF
  • balcony_ydmg37c71x0f
    - Balcony cleaning
    From 40 CHF
  • glass_cleaning_h6vmv49k4v6z
    - Window cleaning (from both sides)
    From 35 CHF
  • ironing_u88sxewvrjh6
    - Ironing
    From 40 CHF
  • closet_0ah0o3s0nf02
    - Cupboard cleaning
    From 40 CHF

Elderly care

  • support_x30z8rqzldnz
    - Elderly care
    60 CHF


Just 3 steps to professional cleaning from Giofresh

01 Objects to be cleaned

What is to be cleaned? For example, is it office furniture, sanitary facilities or perhaps various floors?

02. time interval

How often should the objects be cleaned? Daily, weekly or perhaps just once?

03. viewing appointment

As soon as you have filled out the contact form or contacted us by telephone, you will receive a free viewing appointment directly.

Get your free maintenance cleaning quote in Zurich

Fill out our short online form now and get your customized cleaning quote!

Request your quote

Select a service *
When should your first cleaning take place? *
How often should it be cleaned? *
How large is your apartment in m²? *
How long should the cleaning take? At least 2 hours *
Recommended for: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom = 2 hrs.
What additional services would you like to add to your first appointment?
Each additional service selected increases the duration and therefore the price. Cleaning agents not included.
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